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Mercury in Retrograde????

Who knew that retrograde was a real phenomenon?  Sometime last year was when I first heard the term "Mercury is in Retrograde" and I thought it was some new age, weird thing so that the essential oil companies could sell a new flavor.  Mercury Retrograde was first written about in astrology circles as far back as the mid-eighteenth century. By the 1970's it was being blamed for all kinds of things in horoscopes.  Today it's blamed for everything from digestive issues to broken washing machines. Mercury was in retrograde from June 18 through July 12th and smack dab in the middle of it, I became a believer.

2020.6.29 9:30pm  I was folding laundry in my room, my phone was charging elsewhere in the house.  Ted walks in looking at his cell phone in disbelief looks at me saying, "your mom just called me-your dad has fallen." I rushed out slipping on shoes and began jogging to their house across the street and three doors down as I'm calling 9-1-1.  The thing about these calls is you never know what you're going to find when you get there. He had started getting ready for bed and had just stepped into the bathroom when he fell. Fortunately he was shaken up but okay, the EMTs got him up and helped him to bed.  He slept all night, woke up the next morning and seemed to be feeling okay!

2020.7.1 7:15am I'm awake but not fully functional when my phone rings, it's Mom "I need you, Dale has fallen." I'm still in my nightgown but that's okay, I grab a pair of shorts, slip on my shoes and began jogging to their house across the streed and three doors down as I"m calling 9-1-1.  The thing about these calls is you never know what you're going to find when you get there.  This time, he was sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor-I can see that he's somehow hit his toes and has some scrapes.  The EMTs arrive and get him up.  He was at the sink about to do his hair and shave when he decided to sit down on his walker, the brakes weren't on and it scooted away from him causing him to fall to the ground.  Fortunately he was again shaken up but seemed fine the rest of the day.  We were in and out several times celebrating his 84th birthday!!!!

2020.7.3 I had Jessica out to the Quail Barn bright and early for YHEC, I spent part of the day out there watching her, ran to KT Produce to get some things for Will & Teds and some fruit for the kids.  I was in the car heading out to watch Jessica shoot shotgun when my phone rang-it was Dad. 5:18pm After a brief conversation I learned that Mom had fallen outside and was still on the ground.  My heart sank because Mom has never fallen.  I hurridly got off the phone and called Handsome, whipped a U on Highway 72 west.  By the time I arrived, I could hear the sirens and found Handsome on the groumd with one hand placed reassuringly on Mom while holding his phone talking to the emergency services.  It took more than 45 minutes for them to get Mom onto a board then onto a gurney and into the ambulance.  She was in so much pain they started her IV in the backyard.  We could all tell her injury to her shoulder was significant, as I followed the ambulance I contacted her primary care physician-Dr. Randy Shinn.  He was a godsend as he spoke to me almost all the way to the hospital in calm, reassuring tones about how a shoulder, even if she has surgery is less recovery than a hip.  My nerves began to settle.  With Covid I was unable to go into the ER, when they finally called they used words like broken, lots of fragments, they're going to do surgery world was spinning.  I almost ran for the door when they told me I could come in, go up to the 3rd floor and see her before surgery.  Soon I met Dr. Griffy who explained that her shoulder was dislocated and they would be attempting to get it into place.  He would be referring Mom to his partner who would determine if surgery would be necessary.  Less than an hour later, he was finished and thought he had perhaps gotten her shoulder back in. I was relieved to see her wheeled into her room even with the huge shoulder immobilizer on her left side.

2020.7.4 Happy 4th of July ya'll!  This afternoon late, Mom got to come home.  Thus began our new "normal" and wait for learning more about her shoulder.  We didn't really know much but it was obvious the pain was great.

2020.7.5 We were told the surgeons office would call today-they didn't.  I called and was assured they'd be calling back....not today.

2020.7.10 When the surgeon hadn't called by mid-afternoon I called again.  They told me to bring her in on Friday morning.  After getting us settled in an exam room, they took her for x-rays.  When Dr. Kaler came in and began to talk, I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the words he was saying.  Things like "I haven't seen anything like this in my 22 years!"  When he pulled up the x-rays he'd just taken it became obvious.  Mom's shoulder was completely out of socket but the strange thing was it was rotated approximately 180 degrees AND it was fractured from the humerus shaft.  GULP-he told us he would need to do a "reverse shoulder replacement" and the rest quite honestly is a blur.  I did firmly catch that other surgeons require 3-4 hours for this surgery but Dr. Kaler and his surgerical team have it down to a 1.5 hour science.  Breathe Dana, breathe.
**Dr. Kalers notes**
I had 3 views obtained today where she has complete displacement of the shaft relative to the head.  On the AP film, I believe she has had 180 degree rotation and that the articular surface is facing the lateral.  This is not something I've seen before if that is the case.  Additional tuberosity is off as well.  This is completely below the glenoid surface

2020.7.11 Mom had a really rough night, I knew something was wrong and I suspected a UTI.  I contacted Home Health who sent a nurse out to do a urinalisys.  It was ran at Washington Regional and came back the time I got the results my gut instincts had kicked in and I was in the process of getting Mom in the car to head to Mercy for some help.  Lo and behold, I was right; they gave her some IV antibiotics and a prescription for oral antibiotics to get it all better!  Whew...  

2020.7.14 We learned when surgery day will be!!!!  July 21st.  It's a long time to wait but her arm has been so swollen we are believing that it is because it needed the swelling to come down a little bit.  But remember that darn Mercury is still in retrograde...on July 8th we were blessed that a dear friend began coming 3 hours each day to help me out.  Those three hours give me a chance to run home, shower, hang out with my kids, kiss my Handsome and sleep a tiny bit.  On this day, I had really overbooked.  Melissa had her 4 wisdom teeth removed and Jessica had an orthodontist appointment (an hour apart and in opposite directions).  I got to go with Mel and he took Jessica.  I had just gotten Melissa settled in her bed when Patience called-Dad had fallen.  I told Mel I had to step out while I called the paramedics-I actually left for my parents house.  As I called the paramedics I let Handsome know he and Jessica needed to hurry home to be with Melissa.  Patience was plating up the pizza I had delivered for lunch and Dad was headed to the table to eat, she looked over at him and he began to fall backward.  I don't think the Flash could have gotten to him any faster than she did but he'd already fallen to his bottom and on over to his back.  The EMTs arrived, got him up and seated,  They checked him out and everything appeared to be okay so we decided to stay home.  Patience was an angel-sent me home to care for Melissa and offered to spend the afternoon with Mom & Dad.  Here Dad is laughing as they're playing cards!  Dad continued to complain through the afternoon and evening that his back was "sore."  Not hurting but just sore.

2020.7.15 Just a couple of minutes after 8, I was working in the office and Patience was getting ready to start breakfast for Dad.  We heard Mom holler from the bed, "Dale, you need both hands on your walker!!"  A few seconds later, we all heard the CRASH!  Dad had fallen.  He had some abrasions and was complaining that his back HURT.  We opted to have him transported to Mercy for evaluation to make sure nothing was broken or fractured.  After a few hours, a CT scan and a few x-rays he was sent home with no breaks or fractures.  We headed home, he was absolutely exhausted and complaining his back hurt.  I'm sure with falling twice there's bruising we just can't see yet.  I gave him tylenol to help with the pain.  On the drive home his physical therapist from Encompass who suggested I reach out to his mobility neurologist to see if we could get Dad some additional therapy.

2020.7.16 This morning Dr. Diamonds nurse Shelly called-Dr. Diamond was referring Dad to Everest, a rehabilitive hospital in Rogers.  They do THREE hours of therapy each day with each client!  Wow, that kind of one on one work sounds perfect for Dad.  This afternoon their admissions person came to the house and visited with us, Dad seemed excited about getting some additional PT time and building strength.  She said Dad would need tennis shoes so I ran to the store and got hime a pair.  Before he went to bed he asked if he should wear them tomorrow.  Eeeek, he seems so positive about this journey!

2020.7.17 Everest called and asked if Dad could be there at 11.  With his new shoes on, we headed that way.  They wheeled him into their beautiful new facility where they only take 36 clients at a time!  His first couple of days will be filled with evaluations and observations to tailor his therapy while he is there.  When we talked to him last night he seemed to be doing really well.  The food was good, he'd gotten a shower but the room was a little chilly. We're not sure how long he'll be at Everest but the longest would be 20 days. 

2020.7.18 Today Mom got her first "real" shower since July 3rd!  Right after we got to the living room, Dad called; they talked like teenagers on the phone!  Dad had a great breakfast and was ready for the day.  Late this afternoon, Handsome and I ran over to Everest with an OSU blanket and to visit a bit with Dad.  Due to Covid, we stand outside his window but it was sure good to see his face and hear his voice live and in person.  He had been down to therapy twice and the speech therapist had spent an hour working with him in his room.

This morning I took Mom to the drive thru Covid testing facility because it is required that Mom have a negative test within 48 hours of admission to the hospital. The car ride there and back was really tiring for her.  We'll continue to lay low here at home until we get our report time for Tuesday.  

Specific prayer requests:
  • For Dads stay at Everest to be productive.  That the therapy help build his strength and walking ability.
  • For Mom to get rest.  Between her shoulder ,having a UTI, and concern for Dad,  her sleep has been very interrupted.
  • Negative Covid test.
  • A perfect 1.5 hour reverse shoulder replacement surgery on Tuesday, leaving her with full use of her fingers, elbow and shoulder.
  • My family-other than a few hours Monday-Friday, I've been living with my parents as their caregiver.  My Handsome, kids, pups, cats and even the chickens miss my presence.  Ted & the kids have been bringing over meals and smiles.  We've been told to expect a 6 week recovery from surgery so I don't know how long I'll be staying here.  Even though it's across the street and down three houses it feels like a world away when we're used to being under the same roof.

If you'd like to send a card or call and need their address or phone number let me know!!
